
Tuesday 17 November 2015

Maths E-asttle Test 2015


This is my 2015 e-asttle maths test.  I am not proud of the results because I got a 3P.  I am also not very proud of my result because I am under the nz mean for my year level.  For this test, I would have liked to get at least a 4 because I am a year 8 and that is good for when I go to college.  This means I still have some learning to do.  Nextime I do this test, I would like to get at least a 4.  


Anonymous said...

Like i said before "I thought that you would have got a 4A like me but I guess not". I was very happy with my score, Were you happy?

Anonymous said...

Like i said before "I thought that you would have got a 4A like me but I guess not". I was very happy with my score, Were you happy?

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